Jogjakarta and Riverside Frame Builders

Jogjakarta and Riverside Frame Builders
As the plane came in for a landing, swooping over the night time streets of Jogjakarta, my eyes scanned the bustling roadways, and I could tell from right then that I was in for an interesting trip. Myself and the resident bicycle wizard, Theo, have left the confines of the Temple and are scouring this, his mainland hometown for someone who is endowed with the age old skill of frame fabrication.
We were tipped off that there was a bicycle guru who operated from a riverside workshop somewhere 'West' of the bridge. Now I don't quite know why we were given a compass heading instead of directions, but hey, we went with it. We hit the bridge, turned left, and the search was on. time passed pottering along the waterways slowly, trying to spy a workshop amongst the fish markets and card games.
(more after the jump!)
After a few confused looks and couple of hand guided directions we arrived at our destination...and it wasn't what we were expecting. Pulling up to a small, un-named, three walled Bengkel perched upon the rivers edge...the familiar sound of an angle grinder let us know we were in the right place.
Owner and fabricator, Menyenx, came to greet us and gave us the low down on what was what. Him and Theo talked shop for an hour or so and left me to explore the nooks and cranny's of the place. We left excited about what we had found and are going to head back tomorrow with a scribble sheet of ideas!