Some surfers are born with natural talent, and Mencos is one of these lucky few. Just 22 years old, he’s the current ISC longboard champ, an accolade he has held for the past three years. Born Arif Hidayat, his enthusiasm for surfing is off the charts, and his relentless energy drives him to keep trying new things and develop his unique style. Starting out as a shortboarder, Mencos made the change to longboarding for the simple reason that he found it more satisfying. As any surfer knows, it’s all about the joy you feel when riding the wave, and for Mencos riding a longboard meant he could really express his style. Since then, he has never looked back, and now he glides on his local wave in central Java. The point break here suits traditional longboarding well, and everyday there’s a wave you’ll see Mencos out there, small or big, choppy or glassy, rain or shine. We gave Mencos one of the boards Thomas ‘Doc’ Bexton shaped here at ‘The Temple,’ and he couldn’t wait to let loose on it. Watching from the beach, it’s almost impossible to tell whether he’s goofy or regular, that’s how good he is at riding switch. If you ever find yourself wandering around in his little town and bumping into Mencos, you can expect a warm welcome from this master of fancy footwork.