Hey you loggers! Indonesia is more than it's cracked up to be. Magazines have told us more than a thousand tales of perfect waves since Tom Carrol and Martin Potter were featured in the VHS movie "The Hole", yet they've chosen to ignore the tastes of many a longboarder. Longboards aren’t made for the heaving waves of the Mentawaiis or the spinning lefts of the Bukhet Peninsula. They're made for long perfect waves under head high. And guess what? Indonesia has a few cards up its sleeve to please an ever-growing clique of noseriding maestros. It’s even started to produce some of it's own to rival the worlds best. Husni Rihwand has appeared frequently in cyber space but I find it hard to believe that his talent has yet been properly displayed. The sleepy little village that he and his pals call home is no secret to the surfing world. It's been a hit for travelling Japanese surfers and handful of Australians for years now. Two perfect sand bottom points and a very friendly reef lay quietly waiting for those who care to take on the lengthy journey. Forgive me but I'm not saying you should go there as I've quite enjoyed the un-crowded sessions of my last two sojourns. However, to not tell you of my memorable experience would go against my shameless need to inform you of that which you have missed out on. In saying that I'm not so sure I could put in to words just how much fun we had. The images do a much finer job of portraying the stoke.
- Harrison Roach