Opening night for the Sketch Exhibition “Silly Plan” took place on the eve of Thursday April 21st, at Deus Residence’s B1 Gallery in Harajuku. Sketch welcomed his visitors with a smile to a gallery collection full of colorful idiosyncratic art, a creative world of characters influenced by American culture. Sketch has truely found a new perspective of graphic art compared even to his previous work.
The gallery display includes original paintings used in the current Deus Ex Machina clothing capsule collection, as well as original artworks created solely for this exhibition. “Don’t Touch” signs on display on opening night throughout the gallery showed just how fresh the art was as much as the smell of wet paint.
Amongst the different artwork, the attention seeker is surely the ‘shack’ in the middle of the room - inspired by American street kiosks and food vendors. Sketch’s friend, Frank Kraft created it and it’s his favorite. The shack has a vintage vending machine set up outside (also for sale), and on closer inspection you can admire the false teeth that are stocked within. The choice of words and graphics he uses on the machine are brilliant in their own right.
During the exhibition, Sketch will be working on another exhibition piece, painting directly onto a surfboard, which will then be on display and for sale upon completion. The exhibition runs until May 8th at the Deus Residence of Impermanence - Harajuku, don’t miss this great chance to witness Sketch’s first time holding a solo show.
Shop DEUS EX MACHINA X SKETCH collaboration now!
SKETCH氏の個展、『SILLY PLAN』のレセプションパーティが、4月21日(木)にDEUS原宿の地下ギャラリースペースにて開催された。
会場にはDEUS EX MACHINAとのカプセルコレクションで使われているグラフィックの原画が飾られるなど、また今回のために描きあげられたオリジナル作品もズラリと展示され「Don’t Touch」の札が貼られ、まだインクの乾いていない作りたてホヤホヤの作品が並べられていた。
なかでも一際目を引き、来場者の注目を集めたのがアメリカの売店をイメージしたという小屋?だ。仲間のFRANK KRAFTに作ってもらい、SKETCH氏も一番のお気に入りだとのこと。
SKETCH(HOLIDAY PAINT)のSilly Planポップな作品や飄々としたキャラクターとは裏腹にラディカルに自己の表現に身を捧げてきたSketch その現在を標すエキシビジョン。
Sketch が企てるSilly Plan(馬鹿げた計画)とはどのような物か?