When beachside was all over, bar the shouting, a deserved afternoon siesta seemed to be well in order! People left, homeward bound. Washed their sandy feet and had a little lay down. The alarm went off all to soon. So shower they did, changed their clothes and headed back to the Temple for the remaining facets of the unpolished gem that was... The Deus Slidetober Surf, Music & Art Fest.
The results were in, MC's Monty and Tyler manned the mics and after a raffle which saw one lucky winner walk away with a Deus Custom Single fin, the awards were handed out. In fourth place was Tyler Warren, third was taken out by Ellis Ericson, new Deus team rider Jason 'Salsa' Salisbury walked away with second which left a slightly bemused Tai 'Buddha' Graham in first place.
Milestone one was now over, tick and we moved to the art part of the evening. 'Deeds not Words' Stevie Gee's art exhibition opening in the Deus Gallery. The culmination of ten days hard work in as our artist in residence. Our bantering baritones milking the opportunity to be once again onstage for everything it was worth.
Within a heartbeat of the verbal ribbon cutting ceremony, Mr. Andy Six String bounced up, keeping the crowd entertained and on their tired feet weaving his bluesy vocals and trusty guitar magic around peoples senses. By now the evening had got it's beer goggles on and blurred into night and as quick as you could say Deus Slidetober Fest, the Dappled Cities were front and center and jeez what a helluva show these boys put on!
They rocked out the Deus backyard in spectacular fashion, a shindig that we'll probably never forget… crowd dives, guest appearances and they were even kind enough for a double encore after the screams of the crowd demanded that one wasn't enough! Talk about accommodating.
It was truly a great way to celebrate the Deus Temple of Enthusiasm's first birthday and we cannot wait to see what happens next year.
Right now, there is never any rest for us wicked, we are tightening bolts on a bakers half dozen of Deus steeds. Three of our four finalists, Tyler Warren, Salsa and Ellis Ericson along with Jimmy James and a couple of Deus crew are on their way to Lombok to catch the end of this swell and finish off the last part of Jimmy James's movie, 'Tracking'.
God speed boys!